TECF III: Clinic Herbal Medicine
Créditos: 3
Carga horária: 45 horas
Programa(s): Mestrado e Doutorado
Tipo: Optativa
Docente(s): Marilis Dallarmi Miguel (Permanente)
Programming: Herbal medicine prescription, as well as its efficiency and safety. Pharmacological aspects of clinic herbal medicine in the Complementary and Integrative Practices. Interactions, side effects and toxicity of this drug class. Teaching Plan CONTENT 1. Complementary and Integrative Practices; 2. Medicinal plants: herbal materials to drug; 3. Safety and Clinical efficiency of Herbal Medicines; 4. Legal framework of Phytotherapy in Brazil; 5. Herbal medicine and the clinical practices (prescription); 6. Side effects of herbal medicine; 7. Drug interactions of medicinal plants and herbal medicine. 8. Phytotherapy in the therapeutic segments (diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, hormone therapy, functional); 9. Herbal drugs with anti-protozoa, anti-hepatotoxic, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and anticancer action) 10. Phytocosmetics. EDUCATION STRATEGY AND LEARNING Theorical lectures, article discussion and seminars presentation. EVALUATION: Seminars presentation.Informações
Credits: 03 - 45 hours